
Find us at:    101 Park Ave

   Brownsville, Oregon  97327

Linn County Historical Museum Hours:

Year round: Tuesday through Saturday  11:00 AM till 4:00 PM

        Summer only:       Sunday 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM        Closed:  Mondays 

Admission by donation

Moyer House Tours 

Admission: $5.00 per adult, $1.00 per child

Purchase tickets at the museum

Saturdays  at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00,

Sundays 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Summer only)

Or by appointment Tuesday – Friday

Phone: 541-466-3390

E-mail: lchm@co.linn.or.us

Facebook: Linn County Historical Museum

Mailing Address:   PO Box 607

Brownsville, Oregon 97327

Plan Your Trip

Linn County Parks offers family-friendly well-maintained parks, fishing, boating, camping, museums, and historic sites.

Find a Park

Hiking trails, waterfalls, covered bridges, and swimming areas are among the points of interest at our 30 parks.

Places to Camp

Spend a weekend in the heart of the Willamette valley at one of more than 400 campsites.